1. Request For Tender : MoIA VPF/RFT 01/G/SOLAR/03/24

    Purchase of Solar Power Provisions to five locations, Vanuatu Police Force

    Purchaser : Ministry of Internal Affairs
    Submission Date : 22 Jul 2024 02:00
    Category : Goods
    Expiry Date : 13 Nov 2024
    The Vanuatu Police Force with the Development partner (UK Government) has a plan to purchase five Solar Power System for Vansec House, Police College, Fresh Water Police Post, Tongoa Police Force and Graig Cove Police Post
  2. Request For Tender : No. MoYSD/RFT/G/MC/01/24

    Supply and Delivery of Building Materials for Multipurpose Courts at Six Sites across Vanuatu

    Purchaser : Ministry of Youth and Sports Development
    Submission Date : 12 Jul 2024 02:00
    Category : Goods
    Expiry Date : 10 Oct 2024
    Goods Required: Supply and Delivery of Building Materials for Multipurpose Courts at Six Sites across Vanuatu
  3. Request For Tender : No. 16/24/RFT/WK/TA/DOT/MTC

    The Construction of the Department of Tourism Provincial Staff House in Lenakel Tanna, TAFEA Province

    Purchaser : Department of Tourism
    Submission Date : 24 May 2024 05:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 22 Aug 2024
    Works Required: Works on the new Tourism Staff House in Isangel, Tanna, TAFEA Province comprises of: i. Mobilization to site with all equipment, machinery, personnel, materials and sundry items required to complete the works; ii. Conduct a project pre-start meeting with the Project Manager; iii. Establishment of site office, tools shed and resources area. Installation of PWD approved site signage; iv: Verify all measurements as indicated on the drawings; v. Start the Construction of the new office building
  4. Request For Tender : No. DBKS/RFT/WK/PVRCP/EF/SH/363/24

    Construction of New Remand and Medical Centre at Stade Correctional Centre, Port Vila, Efate

    Purchaser : Department of Correctional Services
    Submission Date : 20 May 2024 04:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 15 Nov 2024
    Works Required: The Construction of a New Remand and Medical Center at Stade Correctional Center Site
  5. Request For Tender : No. NP03/24/WK/RFT/EF/SH/RR/NPP/PWD/PWD

    Road Construction - Construction of 300meter Steel Reinforced Concrete Pavement at Snake Hill, Efate

    Purchaser : Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities
    Submission Date : 26 Apr 2024 10:00
    Category : Road Works
    Expiry Date : 28 Aug 2024
    Works Required: Road Construction - Construction of 300meter Steel Reinforced Concrete Pavement at Snake Hill, Efate
  6. Request For Tender : No. MoET/SAN/SAN/TCH/ERP/DFAT - LOT 4(B)

    Construction Works (Supply and Build) for Lycee De Luganville located in Luganville Town - Santo Island, SANMA Province.

    Purchaser : Ministry of Education and Training
    Submission Date : 08 May 2024 02:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 30 Jul 2024
    Works Required: Provision for supply, labour, materials for the construction 9 x Classrooms, 1 x Library, 1 x Dining Hall, 4 x Dormitories and 2x Ablution Block at Lycee De Luganville, Santo Island, SANMA Province
  7. Request For Tender : No. MoET/SHE/TCJ/TCK/ERP/DFAT/WRKS-05/23

    Provision of Supply and Build for the Renovation for the 8 Classroom (Double Storey) Building at Ecole Sainte Jeanne D’arc, Efate, SHEFA Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Education and Training
    Submission Date : 15 Mar 2024 02:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 14 Feb 2025
    Works Required: Provision of Supply and Build for the Renovation for the 8 Classroom (Double Storey) Building at Ecole Sainte Jeanne D’arc, Efate, SHEFA Province
  8. Request For Proposal : No. 01/23/VEAP/LV-DSC/VPMU

    Provision for Recruitment Design, Supervision & Consultancy (DSC) Vanuatu Energy Access Project - Low Voltage Electrification

    Purchaser : Vanuatu Projects Management Unit, PMO
    Submission Date : 29 Feb 2024 02:00
    Category : Consultancy Services
    Expiry Date : 29 Apr 2024
    Service Required: The DSC consultant will assume overall responsibility for preparation of engineering and design documents suitable for Procurement and Construction contracting packages, preparation of bidding documents and managing the bid and evaluation process up to signing of contract packages, and supervising the physical works. The scope of work will consist of; i) Execute site surveys including geotechnical and topographical surveys work. ii) Prepare engineering designs for Northwest Malekula grid extension suitable for Procurement and Construction contracting for the following. iii) Prepare bidding documents following the Central Tenders Board guidelines, including technical specifications. The DSC will report to the VPMU on daily activities and on contractual matters. The contract will be lump sum for design and procurement component and time-based for construction supervision.
  9. Request For Tender : No. MoET/SHE/TCJ/TCK/ERP/DFAT/WRKS - 03/23

    Provision of Supply & Build for the Construction of a Triple Classroom at Ipekel Primary School, Tanna Island, TAFEA Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Education and Training
    Submission Date : 12 Jan 2024 02:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 12 Dec 2024
    Provision of Supply & Build for the Construction of a Triple Classroom at Ipekel Primary School, Tanna Island, TAFEA Province
  10. Request For Tender : No. MoET/SHE/TCJ/TCK/ERP/DFAT/WRKS - 02/23

    Provision of Supply & Build for the Construction of a Triple (3) Classroom Building at Port Resolution Primary School, Tanna Island, TAFEA Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Education and Training
    Submission Date : 12 Jan 2024 02:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 12 Dec 2024
    Provision of Supply & Build for the Construction of a Triple (3) Classroom Building at Port Resolution Primary School, Tanna Island, TAFEA Province
  11. Request For Tender : No. 001/08/23/17P269C/DOWR/Office/Tanna/Tafea/Construction

    Construction of DoWR TAFEA New Office Building, Isangel, Tanna Island, TAFEA Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources
    Submission Date : 23 Jan 2024 02:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 17 Mar 2024
    Works Required: Provision of Materials, Shipment, and Labor for the Construction of the DoWR Tafea Office Building in Isangel, Tanna Island, TAFEA Province
  12. Request For Tender : No. W2312

    Tasariki Staff House Works, South Santo, Sanma Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Health
    Submission Date : 22 Dec 2023 04:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 24 May 2024
    Work Required: Works Lump Sum Contract (labour, material and transport) to a suitably qualified contractor for the supply of all technical expertise, superintendence, personnel, plant, equipment, materials, tools, fixture fit out, transport and all other items required to complete the scope of works (section 3 - Technical Specifications), as well as the remedying of any defects, insofar as defined in the Contract, being; Work Package 1. New Health Centre building of approximately 216 sqm 2. New Staff House building of approximately 55 sqm 3. (3.1) New Direct Gravity Feed (DGF) water storage and distribution system (3.2) New Solar System
  13. Request For Tender : No. W2311

    Sulemauri Dispensary Works, South Santo, Sanma Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Health
    Submission Date : 22 Dec 2023 04:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 24 May 2024
    Work Required: Works Lump Sum Contract (labour, material and transport) to a suitably qualified contractor for the supply of all technical expertise, superintendence, personnel, plant, equipment, materials, tools, fixture fit out, transport and all other items required to complete the scope of works (section 3 - Technical Specifications), as well as the remedying of any defects, insofar as defined in the Contract, being; Work Package 1. New Health Centre building of approximately 216 sqm 2. New Staff House building of approximately 55 sqm 3. (3.1) New Direct Gravity Feed (DGF) water storage and distribution system (3.2) New Solar System
  14. Request For Tender : No. MOCC/ENV/01/23/RFT/W

    Construction of a New Office Building for the Department of Environment Protection and Conservation in Port Vila, Efate

    Purchaser : Department of Environment Protection & Conservation Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation
    Submission Date : 16 Oct 2023 11:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 13 Feb 2024
    Works Required: The project involves the construction of a new office building within the grounds of Environment Department, Nambatu area of Port Vila.
  15. Request For Tender : No. 11/23/WK/RFT/MW/PA/RR/VRFRP/PWD/PWD

    Upgrade of Malolo Airport to Category C Standard - Material Stockpiling & Gravelling on Airport Runway, Maewo Island, PENAMA Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities
    Submission Date : 19 Sep 2023 10:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 17 Jan 2024
    Upgrade of Malolo Airport to Category C Standard: Coronous Material Stockpiling and Gravelling on Malolo Airport Runway (1000m x 18m) Maewo Island, PENAMA Province
  16. Request For Tender : No. 03/23/WK/RFT/NA/HQ/AR/NPP/PWD/PWD

    Olal Airport Earthworks Works - Excavation to Extend Airport Runway to meet CAT C Standard, Ambrym Island, MALAMPA Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities
    Submission Date : 19 Sep 2023 10:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 17 Jan 2024
    Olal Airport Earthworks Works - Excavation to Extend Airport Runway to meet CAT C Standard, Ambrym Island, MALAMPA Province
  17. Request For Tender : No. 08/23/WK/RFT/TA/TAN/MTC

    The Construction of the MTC New Office Building in Isangel, Tanna, TAFEA Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Tourism, Trade, Commerce and Ni-Vanuatu Business
    Submission Date : 25 Aug 2023 04:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 23 Nov 2023
    Works Required: The construction work of the new office Building in Santo comprises of: i. Mobilization to site with all equipment, machinery, personnel, materials and sundry items required to complete the works. ii. Conduct a project pre-start meeting with the Project Manager. iii. Establishment of site office, tools shed and resources area. Installation of approved site signage. iv. Verify all measurements as indicated on the drawings.
  18. Request For Tender : No. 07/23/WK/RFT/SA/SAN/MTC

    The Construction of the MTC New Office Building in Luganville, Santo, SANMA Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Tourism, Trade, Commerce and Ni-Vanuatu Business
    Submission Date : 25 Aug 2023 04:00
    Category : Construction Work
    Expiry Date : 23 Nov 2023
    Works Required: The construction work of the new office Building in Santo comprises of: i. Mobilization to site with all equipment, machinery, personnel, materials and sundry items required to complete the works. ii. Conduct a project pre-start meeting with the Project Manager. iii. Establishment of site office, tools shed and resources area. Installation of approved site signage. iv. Verify all measurements as indicated on the drawings.
  19. Request For Tender : MIPU-CSU-DPH-SSS-002/2023

    Provision of Shipping Services for Route SSS2A - Tafea East, TAFEA Province

    Purchaser : Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities
    Submission Date : 28 Jul 2023 02:00
    Category : Physical Services
    Expiry Date : 26 Oct 2023
    The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the provision of a monthly passenger and cargo shipping service from Port Vila to Aniwa, Futuna, Aneityum and specified call points in the east coasts of Erromango and Tanna. The contract period is one (1) year.
  20. Request For Tender : No. MoIA/DIVPO/eMTRD/RFT/G/01/23

    Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of Vanuatu E Machine Travel Readable Document (eMTRD) System

    Purchaser : Ministry of Internal Affairs
    Submission Date : 09 Oct 2023 12:00
    Category : Goods
    Expiry Date : 16 Nov 2023
    Goods Required: Supply, Delivery and Installation of the Vanuatu eMTRD System
Results 1 - 20 of 49