Request For Tender
Title :
Package 1 – Construction of Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Pavement and Associated Drainage Works from Woralapa to Malaliu (Ch 0+000 to 1+207) on Nguna Island, Shefa Province
Category :
Road Works
Date Issued :
Expiry Date :
Submission Date (Vanuatu Local Time) :
2023-11-13 10:00
Opening date and time :
2023-11-23 04:00
Description :
Works Required: Package 1 – Construction of Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Pavement and Associated Drainage Works from Woralapa to Malaliu (Ch 0+000 to 1+207) on Nguna Island, Shefa Province.
Purchaser :
Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities
Contact Person :
Acting Manager Procurement
Contact Person Email :
Number of Bids :
Qualified Bidders Names :
Otal Excavations & Construction, Kellen Construction, Malekula Timber & Construction, New Vision Construction, Yake Construction and Tulaet Projects Limited
Contractor Name :
Kellen Construction
Contract Value :
VUV98,383,787 exclusive of VAT