Request For Tender
No. W2310
Title :
Tasmate Dispensary Building Works, Southwest Santo, Sanma Province)
Category :
Construction Work
Date Issued :
Expiry Date :
Submission Date (Vanuatu Local Time) :
2023-12-22 04:00
Opening date and time :
2024-01-23 02:30
Description :
Work Required: Works Lump Sum Contract (labour, material and transport) to a suitably qualified contractor for the supply of all technical expertise, superintendence, personnel, plant, equipment, materials, tools, fixture fit out, transport and all other items required to complete the scope of works (section 3 - Technical Specifications), as well as the remedying of any defects, insofar as defined in the Contract, being; Work Package 1. New Health Centre building of approximately 216 sqm 2. New Staff House building of approximately 55 sqm 3. (3.1) New Direct Gravity Feed (DGF) water storage and distribution system (3.2) New Solar System
Purchaser :
Ministry of Health
Contact Person :
Acting Procurement Officer
Contact Person Email :
Number of Bids :
Qualified Bidders Names :
China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC), Tulaet Projects Limited, AJ Construction, SD Construction and Aelan Construction
Contractor Name :
Tulaet Projects Limited
Contract Value :
VUV46,477,434 exclusive of VAT